Nutrition Information
Spinach is fat free; saturated fat free; cholesterol free; low calorie; high in dietary fiber; high in vitamin A; high in vitamin C; high in iron, high in folate; and a good source of magnesium.Selecting and Storing Spinach
1. Choose fresh, crisp, green bunches with no evidence of insect damage. 2. Store spinach loosely wrapped in a damp paper towel.
3. Refrigerate in a plastic bag and use within 3 to 5 days.
Oxalic acid and Spinach
Serving Suggestions
1. Add spinach to a pasta or rice recipe.2. Enjoy a spinach salad with a variety of ingredients.
1. Spinach - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
2. Top 10 ways to enjoy Spinach, Fruits and Veggies more matters
3. Spinach: Nutrition . Selection . Storage. Fruits and Veggies more matters
2. Top 10 ways to enjoy Spinach, Fruits and Veggies more matters
3. Spinach: Nutrition . Selection . Storage. Fruits and Veggies more matters